Corporate Training

Organization Strategy Development, Management and Leadership Training

We undertake consultancies to develop strategic plans through a rigorous highly participatory process that guarantees buy in by all stakeholders...

ICT Systems Advisory, Review and Training

In this area, we provide advisory services on equipment, technology and infrastructure that are required in order to deliver the ICT strategy. We focus on networks, security standards, data storage and integrity as well as infrastructure maintenance.

Accounting and Finance, Book-Keeping, Budgeting

Through evaluation of organizations’ budgeting and reporting requirements, we recommend systems required to support the operations, procure on behalf of clients and operate or manage the systems for best results.

Entrepreneurship and Business Management

That entrepreneurship is key to economic development and job creation is not in any doubt. Yet, the entrepreneurship potential remains locked up in our people, young and old. Our self-discovery stimulation programmes are intended to unlock this potential and let...

Human Resource Management

Human factor capital is perhaps the most important resource within an organization because it allocates and manages other resources or processes. Tools, systems, processes, quality control and ultimately customer service all depend on the human resource.

Marketing, Communication and Investment audit

Marketing is an important component of any organization, because it creates required visibility that can be tapped for strategic purposes to inform on goods and services offered or shape market perception..

Tourism Management and Travel Management

Tourism still remains one of the key economic segments in Kenya’s economy, generating foreign exchange and jobs that support livelihoods. Thus tourism still remains a high potential revenue generating areas in governments...

Languages, Interpretation and Translation Services

During international conferences, global participants may not always understand the important messages being communicated by presenters, and as a result, they may struggle to actively understand or participate in such forums. Their important voice and ideas could be completely lost

Corporate and Institutional Research

We undertake applied research on behalf of clients in order to resolve problems that are affecting their operations and goals. This is done using proven scientific processes and methodologies that guarantee results that are sure to comprehensively resolve the issues at hand.

Customer Service, Team building training

The customer is already been unequivocally declared to be the king in all entities!. This is because customers determine success or failure of institutions in question. Different organizations exist to serve different interest groups as their customers, ...